Site Improvements – July 23, 2016

Moved Investing and Trading Resources post from to Trading Cental.  This is where I’ve been collecting links to resources that traders and investors can use.  Moving it allows the team to continue to improve it, and puts it in a clearly better home.  I’ll update to link the old post in case the old post comes up on a Google search.

Created a Sites sidebar menu to provide easy navigation to useful sites, such as Erik’s Universe and Shadow Trader.  When we create a domain for this site, we can ask Shadow Trader to cross link back to us.  Cross-polination of sites is one way to improve site visibility, accessibility via easier navigation, and improved search rankings.

Categorized “Uncategorized” posts.  Please select a category when you create your post. If it is in the Resources category, then it will show up when someone clicks on the Resources menu option in our main menu.  Otherwise, it will become hard to find and hard for us to manage.  Many things in WordPress depend on post categories.

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